
This week we looked at usability testing which was enlightening, providing an in-depth understanding of its various types and methodologies. Exploring the different forms of usability testing, including moderated and unmoderated tests, as well as remote and in-person evaluations, shed light on the diverse approaches available in assessing user experiences.

Learning about the practical techniques used during usability testing, such as thinking aloud protocols and task-based assessments, offered valuable insights into how to effectively evaluate design solutions. Understanding these methods not only broadened my knowledge but also provided a clearer picture of how to apply them in real-world design scenarios.

As a design student, this knowledge has immense value. Knowing how to conduct usability tests will be instrumental in refining my design projects. It offers a structured way to collect feedback, enabling me to iteratively improve designs based on user insights. Additionally, it equips me with the skills necessary to collaborate effectively with users and stakeholders in creating user-centred designs.

Overall, the lecture on usability testing has been immensely beneficial. It has equipped me with practical knowledge and methodologies that I can directly apply in my design endeavours, ensuring that my creations are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functionally effective and user-friendly.

Digital Development

This week I continued on with creating my first story to try and have something done for the critique as I was falling a bit behind. Designing these screens took some time as I was coming up with the illustrations on the spot, yet again a mistake I won’t make again. Due to the time frame I left myself to complete this, unfortunately this was my only option. I used Chat GPT to come up with the stories and then I illustrated them using Figma. I also used my sketches from the beginning as a guide for the start and end page of the story. In the intro page I wanted to show the name of the goal and the story while also including a small illustration to show what the story is about. In the end page I gave the user the option to read again and to return back to home.

I also decided to include a progress bar to show the user how far they are into the story and how much they have left.

Frame 22.png