Reflection The guest lecture from Big Motive on storytelling in design was incredibly enlightening and enriching. They provided a comprehensive overview of how storytelling principles, particularly Aristotle's seven elements of storytelling, can be effectively applied to design projects. Through captivating examples from their own portfolio, including the "Patterns" app for pain management, "Life Events" service design project, and "Our Place in Space" augmented reality journey, Big Motive demonstrated the transformative power of narrative in design.

As someone currently immersed in the creation of a narrative ebook on Apollo 11, this lecture was exceptionally valuable to me. It emphasised the importance of crafting a compelling narrative to engage readers and convey complex information in a meaningful way. By examining the storytelling techniques employed in Big Motive's projects, I gained valuable insights into how to structure and present the story of Apollo 11 in a manner that is both informative and captivating.

Furthermore, the opportunity to showcase our projects to the members of Big Motive and receive their feedback was invaluable. It provided me with valuable insights and perspectives from professionals in the industry, helping me refine and improve my own project. Overall, this guest lecture was not only informative but also inspiring, reaffirming the significance of storytelling in design and providing me with valuable guidance for my current project on Apollo 11.