
This week we were given our next brief which is to come up with a product or service and do an investor pitch. The pitch should be 5 minutes long and is for a panel of around 10 people including some of my classmates.

We then looked at some ideation techniques to help us start this new project. Such as the "worst idea," brainstorming/mind maps, sketching, and mood boards was a captivating exploration into the diverse avenues of creative thinking. The lecturer’s insights offered a comprehensive toolkit that I can utilise for my upcoming project.

Among the techniques discussed, the "worst idea" approach stood out as a refreshingly unconventional way to spark creativity. Embracing the freedom to explore the inverse of what's desirable could potentially lead to unexpected breakthroughs in generating unique product or service concepts. It challenges conventional thinking, urging me to consider unconventional angles and discard the norms to arrive at innovative ideas.

Brainstorming and mind mapping, emphasised during the lecture, resonated with me as effective ways to cultivate a multitude of ideas. I plan to gather a diverse group to brainstorm, encouraging the free flow of thoughts and perspectives. Through mind mapping, I aim to visually organise these ideas, allowing me to explore connections and identify potential avenues for my project.

Sketching, as highlighted in the lecture, will be an instrumental tool in transforming abstract thoughts into tangible representations. I intend to leverage this method to visually articulate and refine the concepts generated during brainstorming sessions. Sketching will enable me to visualise and iterate upon different design elements and functionalities of the potential product or service.

Additionally, I found the concept of mood boards intriguing. They offer a visual collage that captures the essence, style, and feel of a concept. Creating mood boards will aid in defining the aesthetic and emotional aspects of the proposed product or service, guiding its development in a coherent direction.

Combining these ideation techniques will serve as my roadmap to ideate, conceptualise, and refine ideas for my upcoming project. I believe that by integrating these methods, I will be able to explore a wide spectrum of possibilities, leading to the creation of a compelling and innovative product or service.


To start my new project, I employed techniques learned in class to brainstorm for ideas.

I began by creating a mind map, jotting down every thought that surfaced, regardless of its initial quality, aiming to stimulate a flow of ideas. I focused on various major sectors and branched out from there.

This exploration led me to delve into sustainability, particularly in the context of shopping for and discovering sustainable fashion. I contemplated the prospect of integrating these concepts into a unified mobile application.

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