In week 03 we began looking at typography and ways to manipulate it to create something completely different.

Firstly, we picked a letter to distort 9 different ways to make as many different outcomes as possible.

I chose the letter B. I tried to make it look like I hadn’t used a letter to create these, this proved quite difficult as the letter B is very distinctive. I still like the final outcome and it’s something I would’ve never thought to do.

We then had to choose a letter and take a part of it and put it somewhere else without losing the letter. I chose the letter N and I played about with it for a bit and I really liked the outcome. I feel this these would be great as part of an animation.

We were given a piece of text to arrange into a poster, I used for the size of my font and made the more important parts of the text in bold or bigger size to make it stand out. I used Adobe fonts to find a font I thought fitted the poster. I used Josefin Sans and Junge for this.

Our last exercise was using Dieter Rams 10 Principles of Design to add colour and use a grid to display one of his principles. I experimented with using colour to make a word stand out and using different font sizes and weights to direct the eye to certain parts of the design. I really like how this turned out.

We also experimented with which helped with figuring out the kerning of text and i found it really helpful.
