To begin my web essay project, I selected a topic and conducted in-depth research, followed by creating a detailed plan.

During our class sessions, we engaged in the "Crazy 8's" exercise to aid in selecting a layout for our website. I found this activity both enjoyable and highly beneficial for the project.

Alongside this I began my web design in Figma. I wanted to incorporate the colours from the NYC Subway as it was one of Vignelli’s most famous design and it is what he is known for by many people.

I created the subway lines to go down the side of my website and played about with it until I thought it looked good.

I experimented with many different colours and layouts before finalising my design.

Here is my final design in Figma.

Then I took my essay and design to vs code to create the website.

Here is a link to my github.

GitHub - beth-cooper/massimo at gh-pages

You can access my final web essay through the following link. While reviewing it, you may notice a few issues. For instance, the background image in the header isn't displaying correctly, which was a challenge I encountered while working on the CSS. Additionally, I faced alignment problems with some of the images, and unfortunately, the link to my conclusion section is non-functional, and I'm unsure how to resolve this issue. My primary challenge with this project revolves around ensuring that the final product functions seamlessly on all types of screens, and this is an area I aspire to improve in my future endeavors.